March 25, 2014

Via’s Portraits | Wellesley Portrait Photographer

Wait, REAL PICTURES?! Yup! Spring in coming, friends! Get ready for lots of goodness!


Via and I met late last summer, after she introduced herself to me through email. I invited her along to the Summer of Travel photo shoot and she took some great pictures of her own. Since then we’ve kept in touch, and when she told me that she is seriously thinking about starting her own photography business, I knew we had to do a portrait session to jump start her artsy brand.

It’s been a VERY long winter, so getting outside and exploring the Wellesley College campus was refreshing. Via brought some modeling skillz to the table and together we worked it out! I can’t wait to see her start and grow her very own business. It’s gonna be good… I’ll keep you updated. 🙂

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Happy Monday!