September 1, 2016

Sweet C Family! | Western MA Family Photographer

I was so excited to be able to photograph one of my 2014 couples again! Their family has grown a lot since then, with a precious little boy they are in the process of adopting, and a baby on the way! Their story is unique, and because they aren’t legally the parents of Mr. Cutieface yet, I can’t show his cutieface on my blog. Which is a bummer, because we took SO MANY adorable pictures and he pretty much smiled the entire time!
WESTERN MA Family Photography in Milford - Stephanie Rita Photo_0323S+D told me that adoption was the always something they both wanted to do, and the way they imagined starting a family. And a few months after Mr. Cutieface was placed with them, they found out they are pregnant! So their family is growing very quickly and I was honored to be able to make these photos to remember this stage of life. WESTERN MA Family Photography in Milford - Stephanie Rita Photo_0324WESTERN MA Family Photography in Milford - Stephanie Rita Photo_0325
WESTERN MA Family Photography in Milford - Stephanie Rita Photo_0326

Getting images of Mr. Cutieface NOT looking at the camera was actually pretty easy, and a little bit freeing for me. Instead of my usual crazy noises and faces to make kiddos look at the camera, I was able to photograph them naturally, whether he was looking at me or not. The water behind us seemed to be really interesting, as did his puppy sister, who stayed nearby the whole time.

Throughout this family session I was able to get a firsthand look at the sweetest of adoption. I almost cried a couple times. S+D haven’t had the easiest process, and yet they have taken this boy in and loved him as their own no matter what the circumstances. They are so loving and really great parents to their sweet boy and it was such a pleasure to capture these photos for them! And I can’t wait to meet the new baby later this year! <3 WESTERN MA Family Photography in Milford - Stephanie Rita Photo_0328

Stephanie is a family and wedding photographer in Natick, MA. If you’re looking for updated family photos and need a family photographer, especially in the Natick, Newton, Wellesley and Greater Boston areas, please email through the contact form. 


[…] summer I photographed the super sweet C fam, but at that point in time I couldn’t share the photos of their foster boy’s smiling […]


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