September 11, 2013

September Things | Wellesley Wedding Photographer

(Yes, this post comes to you almost halfway through the month. Oh well.) I’ve always seen September as a month of starting fresh. Maybe it’s because for 20 years that’s right around the time when I’d start a new school year. And new school years meant new notebooks to doodle on and classes to conquer. Now that I’m not starting all that new stuff, I need something else to set my sights on, so why not set my sights on making this the best September ever! 🙂

Last year I challenged myself to run at least a mile per day for the whole month of September, and it worked pretty well. I missed a few days here and there, but having that goal made me try harder. So! I decided to do it again this year. I’ve already missed two days (my feet would hate me if I ran on a wedding day) but 9 out of 11 days seems pretty good to me.

All this month I am also joining up with Lara Casey to be more mindful of savoring this time of year. I’ve learned lately that days go by really fast, and I have always struggled with enjoying the time of life I am in. Like: when training for a half marathon, I always want it to be over, even though I’m the one who decided to run a half… so why don’t I choose to enjoy it! Or: the apartment we’re living in isn’t the greatest (read: small+old), but it’s what we have at the moment and I want keep making good memories while we are here. And even things like making time to go apple picking, burning my favorite scented candles… things that are small, but meaningful. 🙂 Join #savorseptember on Instagram!

Every Monday morning this month I have been/will be hosting a ladies painting fellowship group in our apartment. This is a chance for the women of our church (and their friends!) to get creative. After I announced the idea at church a few weeks ago, at least 3 women came up to me and said something like “I love this idea, I have always wanted to start painting, but can never find the time!” I had no idea! So that’s proof God put this idea on my heart not only because it’s something I love to do, but He also knew other women would benefit from it too.

And those are the things I have been and will continue to focus on this month. What is YOUR September looking like? Leave a comment!



A ladies painting fellowship is SUCH a neat idea. What a cool way God is working through you, friend! 🙂

thanks, i’m really excited to see where He takes it!


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