Stephanie RITA PHOTO is
Based in Hudson, MA and serves worcester county, metrowest Boston, and new england.
Last year I resolved to take more personal photos, resulting in a pretty cool series called WKLY. I liked it and I stuck with it until late July. But life happened and I lost track of things and I didn’t finish out the challenge. But I’m glad for those 7 months of personal photos. It honestly helped me remember my life better. I knew in 2018 I wanted to continue something similar, so this year I am going to do a monthly roundup of images. On the last day of each month I’ll post a little recap of scenes from that month.
We started off January the right way: With friends! Kay and Josh and their baby boy, Jude, stayed with us for two nights. We had our 4th annual NYE together, making yummy food, listening to good music, playing board games, and catching up on life. On New Year’s Day we wandered around the mall and I took some photos of their little family!
This month I spent a good amount of time working from my new office! Which we painted recently! The walls are a lovely white now, and we’ll finalize the design of the room soon. For me personally, I didn’t realize how weird it would feel to go from working out of my apartment (for 6 years!) to working in a permanent ‘outside space’. I’m still finding that balance of how often I’ll work at the office, and how much I’ll hold onto that work from home identity. Both are good. Both can be part of me. Both have pros and cons. But I know this new office will eventually become part of my normal and I’m excited for that.
*** BOMBCYCLONE. 15 inches of snow, a lifetime of memories 😉 ***
My plant collection is growing! Since mid-November I’ve been strangely into plants. Like, maybe I’m a plant lady status? I repotted my main plants to bigger pots, took some of their offshoots and planted those, researched and started ‘propagating’ leaves of my jade plant (none have worked yet, but I believe in miracles) and even bought a UV light so they all don’t croak during the darkness of winter. I recently stopped by Weston Nurseries, because who doesn’t love breathing fresh, warm, plant-y summer air in the dead of winter, but also to pick up a ZZ plant. AND! I got myself the prettiest little Ikea plant stand. YEP. I’ve gone a little nuts with this whole thing. But it makes me happy 🙂
Happy almost February. <3