Stephanie RITA PHOTO is
Based in Hudson, MA and serves worcester county, metrowest Boston, and new england.
My days got pretty mixed up this week, partly due to the less-than-24-hour trip to Maryland we took from Thursday to Friday. We went down early Thursday and that night we celebrated the life of Nate’s Uncle Carl. When we got home early Friday morning, it felt like a Sunday. Nate worked in the office all day Saturday, making it feel more like a Monday. So you can see how I felt a little out of order haha.
All that aside, it was a solid week. My aunt, uncle and Grandpa came for a quick visit on Sunday. They came to church with us, and then we had brunch together at one of our favorite brunch spots, Fresco in Needham.
I love this picture of me and my Gramps!
My aunt and uncle looking through a photo album of photos I took of my Grandpa’s home.
After brunch and saying goodbye to my family, I stopped at the local coffee shop and ran into our friend Ricky. I had my camera, so I had to take a quick portrait of him, in the zone at the coffee shop. Vibes.
OH my gosh. More snow. SO much more snow. Because of it, Nate worked from home and neither of us left the house, except to shovel. Yes, it was cozy, but man, I’m so done with winter. Seriously, can it be spring yet??? -_-
Music of the week: Ellie Holcomb, Sleeping at Last (always) and Will Reagan with United Pursuit. Stay warm, friends!