Stephanie RITA PHOTO is
Based in Hudson, MA and serves worcester county, metrowest Boston, and new england.
Between my deep love of being outside and my ongoing Instagram addiction dating back to 2011, most of my Insta feed has to do with trees & water. I usually have my phone & take tons of pictures while I run, hike or kayak. The dilemma, though, is posting photos that all look the same! To combat this, I came up with a couple photo guidelines for myself that I want to share with you. Here are 3 tips for how to make nature photos more interesting!! (All these tips can be for any type of camera!)
Look up (or down).
Get low and shoot nature from the bottom up. Trees will look taller, and you’ll get some sky in the frame as well. People can walk through the woods and see things from eye level anytime they want, so why not give them a different angle to look at! (This also goes for looking down!)
Shoot horizontally.
Especially with skies and landscapes, shoot them the long, wide way! This allows you to set the scene. More of the details, colors and great view will be caught in the frame, adding more of a WOW factor to your photo. And now Instagram lets you post horizontal photos, so you don’t have to crop out the goodness!
Frame nature with other nature.
Branches and leaves make great frames and natural filters. Use these to add color, depth and interest to your photos. What I like to do is take the ‘safe’ photo first … just so I have something 😉. But then I get creative and make a more interesting composition with that nature that is around me! Try it!
Hope these tips help your nature photos to not be the same all the time! <3