Stephanie RITA PHOTO is
Based in Hudson, MA and serves worcester county, metrowest Boston, and new england.
because they have a good return for their work.
If one falls down, his friend can help him up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9
Let me be a little nostalgic for a minute.
It was the summer of 2000, also known as the summer before 6th grade. It was my third summer as a camper at a magical place called Camp Spofford. Camp was only a short drive from my house, on a little lake in western New Hampshire, but in my experience, most of the other campers usually came from far away places (like Connecticut and New Jersey). History said we’d be really fun friends for a week, and then go our separate ways for the rest of the year.
I had no idea the summer of 2000 would be different.
I ran to my assigned cabin on the hill, and was greeted by Katy, the counselor-in-training. I quickly claimed a bottom bunk (once a bottom bunker, always a bottom bunker) and dropped my overflowing duffle bag on the ground. Seeing as this was my third time at camp, I wasn’t going to be boring and just sit on my bunk until dinner time. I was going to the BEACH (and potentially show off my butterfly stroke in front of the lifeguards. I was that kid.) I changed into my suit, but as I was leaving, another girl bounced into the cabin. She didn’t have any luggage with her and that perked my curiosity (We’re GIRLS. In the WOODS. We bring a lot of necessary supplies with us.)
I don’t remember the exact conversation, but I do remember us briefly introducing ourselves and I asked where her stuff was. She told me her dad was the camp Chef, and that he was going to bring her bag up later. Again, not exact thoughts and words, but probably went a little something like this:
Camp Chef, huh? That means he comes here everyday. That means he must live close by. Which means SHE must live close by.
“Where do you live?”
“What grade are you in?!”
“I’m gonna be in 6th!”
“ME TOO!!!”
And that was the start of a beautiful friendship. Since 2000, Taryn has been one of my closest friends. The walk-to-school-together, swim-on-a-team-together, lead-a-Bible-study-together, share-a-locker-for-all-4-years-of-High School-together, talk-about-boys-together, lifeguard-together-during-summers (at the same place we met), pray-before-tests-together type of friend. I was lucky to stand by her during her wedding almost 5 years ago, and cried when she told me she was expecting her first baby almost 3 years ago. Every person in the Hildreth family played a part in who I am now. I’m tearing up just thinking about it, but they really were like a second family to me (and I probably ate more of their food than the actual Hildreth kids did 😉 ) And when I started going to their church in 8th grade, by myself, they always had an extra seat saved just for me. Just like family.
The Hildreth family has grown. Taryn’s older brother and his wife have two kiddos (the older two), and Taryn and her husband Steve just added their second little one to the mix in November. It’s my biggest honor to photograph these sweet, energetic, hilarious, compassionate, polite little people who are part of a family I love so much. Enjoy these photos! <3
Taryn, sorry if you’re crying 😉 <3
Beautiful photos and a beautiful testimony of who you are and who the Hildreths are too!