Stephanie RITA PHOTO is
Based in Hudson, MA and serves worcester county, metrowest Boston, and new england.
Hey friends! Happy Monday 😉
Today I want to tell you about a very important and much-needed campaign, called she., that I had the opportunity to take part in while I was at Inspire. I was originally going to lump this into my Inspire recap, but felt compelled to write a separate blog post about it. I really believe in the mission and values of this campaign, particularly because I work with teens and see the need for positive discussions about self-love.
she. is a new endeavor headed up by two talented photographers in the Boston area, Kiera and Nicole. Both these ladies are passionate about recognizing the strengths of females of all ages and helping women find their self-esteem and celebrate themselves. They started the she. campaign to “unite a community of positive females through social media, inspirational events, speaking engagements, and community installments.” And with this amazing campaign, they’re sweeping the nation (well, Boston, but the nation is next 😉 )
Kiera and Nicole are hosting a day of free head shots in Boston, sometime in early March of this year. Any woman of any age can participate and the only requirement is that you willingly and freely celebrate who you are with Nicole and Kiera. It might be a new experience for you to be in front of the camera, but everyone has a story to tell and these ladies are inviting you to share yours. You can sign up to either participate or sponsor a future event!
P.S. Thank you!!! For all your love and encouragement and kind words about my Inspire Retreat recap last week. <3
I saw this campaign on Instagram and I love it! I’m so happy to see someone write about it and remind me to sign up to get involved. Thank you for the inspiration and what a beautiful, honest, picture. The joy in your eyes is captured so perfectly.