Stephanie RITA PHOTO is
Based in Hudson, MA and serves worcester county, metrowest Boston, and new england.
The Marcoux fam is at it again! We hung out on our ever-favorite Wellesley College campus for a sunny, fall afternoon earlier this week. Every time I take photos of this family, they end up being some of my favorite images. These are no different! Thanks Marcoux fam for all your encouragement and kind words and for being SRP’s biggest cheerleaders!
I call this “The Tickle Series”
The girls! Oldest and youngest and the sweetest of friends.
Annnnnd. The boys. Regular. 🙂
We’ll end on a perfect fall picture! Love these kiddos!
[…] SRP blog-checker, you might recognize these ladies from the many times I’ve photographed their whole family! Just the two of them came out on a very snowy day for a mini session! I love […]