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Today, at about 3:24, Nate + I will be married for exactly two years. (!) These two years have gone by pretty fast, but at the same time it feels like we’ve been together forever. This year was very similar to our first year, nothing crazy exciting or crazy difficult. We continued to build a good foundation and while learning together what our kind of marriage is supposed to be.
We ate too much pizza from the shop down the road. We did a little traveling while Nate was working in Florida for a month (and to California for Christmas with my extended family). We apple-picked and Christmas-tree-cut and continued our tradition of heart-shaped pizzas on Valentine’s day. Our car broke down, we unsuccessfully looked for new apartments, we dreamed a lot about moving to Europe (which will happen eventually, mark my words), and most importantly we love each other now more than we did on the day we got married.
I recently read an article on Relevant called “8 Things I Wish I ‘d Known as a Newlywed”. And I loved it, mostly because we went into marriage having no idea how to ‘be married’ (who does?!). Loved ones gave us advice like “Keep dating!” and “Put each other first!” and while those are good tips, there was a lot more that we weren’t hearing. We’ve learned some of these things along the way and there were a few points that I loved and/or challenged me. (Read it if you have a little time!)
“.. you aren’t entitled to the benefits of love just because you put a ring on it. Those perks only come with intentional investment and personal sacrifice.”
“What the world needs are better lovers—husbands and wives committed to learning the unnatural art of loving another person.”
Dear Nate. Thanks for being the calm to my worry, the organized to my tornado zone, the grill-master to my microwave-master, the ‘let’s think this through’ to my ‘let’s do it anyways’, and the absolute only person I can ever imagine going through life with. Oh, and for being my very own Ron Weasley. 😉
Love you <3 S
You two are TOO adorable!!!!