Stephanie RITA PHOTO is
Based in Hudson, MA and serves worcester county, metrowest Boston, and new england.
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Today I’m sharing three simple tips you can use at home to make your photos a little more interesting to look at. If you’re just learning this photography thing, if you’re a momma with adorable children, or if you’re just looking for some ways to spice up your images, here are three very basic ways to do so! Read, learn, practice!
1. Find A Frame
Find something that can be used to frame your subject in an exciting way. I like to shoot in nature, so I frequently use trees or branches. You can also use architecture (like the front door of your house) or the light rays coming through the window in the morning. Anything is possible!
2. Use the Rule of Thirds
The rule of thirds basically states that pictures will be more interesting if the subject isn’t centered (I’m paraphrasing, of course). Try moving your subject to the left or right of your frame to strike up some interest!
3. Get Down Low
Don’t be afraid to change your perspective! Especially when taking pictures of your kiddos. Looking down on them makes them look small, so instead, get down on their level and their beautiful faces will fill up the frame! (This trick also works well for pets.)
So! There are some things to think about when you’re on your next family walk or out of ideas in your next photo shoot (it happens!) 🙂 Hopefully this was helpful. If not, yell at me. Kbye.